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The Giant game of Smart City
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After a failed attempt to break into a classified section of ctOS, ctOS used counter-surveillance to track down Eden, who killed his 7-year-old niece in a "car crash". Aiden was on his way to revenge.

This is the ubisoft single - machine game "Watchdog" a set of plot. The best part of the game is that the protagonist can use the ctOS system to access any data in the city of Chicago, including vehicles, health, safety, lighting, and even every individual living in it.

The game is set against the backdrop of smart City, an Internet project that is currently under construction.

For this g-side Internet project, each character has a different perception. For people, they can perceive data registration and query based on various apps. For Internet giants, their starting point is a trillion blue ocean based on intelligent transformation; For the government, this is equivalent to a data score sheet.

The city, the unit that is automatically generated in the process of human reproduction, began to appear as an individual on the home ground of the Internet. But more perceptibly, no one is confident enough about the elephant's need to turn around.

The epidemic is the best profile. Compared with SARS ten years ago, although the Internet technology is not what it used to be, the similar structure is that when the rain comes, the smart city still looks like a big net, which is overwhelmed by sudden pressure and unable to fight against it.

One question is, can smart cities work?

In Rio DE Janeiro, IBM assisted in the establishment of a central control center, similar to the ctOS in Watchdog. The British writer George Orwell's virtual citywide surveillance in 1984 has been realized in Rio today. In July 2014, the Art Institute of Chicago created a "Smart Streetlight" in honor of the watchdog game, and Chicago seemed to be turning into game Chicago.

However, in China, the question of how and what a smart city should be built, especially after being verified by the epidemic, needs new answers.

More can be understood as, after the tide, is the new beginning of the smart city.

01 "truth and falsehood" proposition of smart city

How old is smart City this year?

Let's start with a time profile. In fact, as early as 2011, Shanghai, Nanjing and other cities have made relevant development plans after IBM put forward the concept of smart city.

One year later, the official tone was officially set. In November 2012, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development officially promulgated the "Interim Administrative Measures for National Smart City Pilot", which made smart City become a national policy. In January of the following year, the first batch of 90 pilot cities were approved.

In terms of seniority, the smart city is now nearly nine years old, and in a million years of the Internet, there is no problem of "old people".

Seniority is sufficient, is it ammunition that restricts development?

Otherwise, even on another level, it is known as a "fortune tycoon". According to a group of data in the last two years, the statistical data of the Smart City Construction Industry Development Trend and Investment Decision Support Report released by Foresight Industry Research Institute in 2018 shows that China's smart city planning investment reaches 3 trillion yuan and construction investment reaches 600 billion yuan.

With enough experience and big spendthrift chips, why haven't smart cities found their own way?

The problem is with the models. For businesses, although sufficient ammunition, gird, but the essence of wisdom city is data, can be understood as the only guarantee of data access, together to a series of infrastructure, truly applied to the scene, for example, if you want to achieve city security system construction, a large number of stored in the public security system of "golden data" is necessary to establish a system of the flesh and blood.

It is necessary to explain the G-terminal data. A large number of data stored in government, public security and other departments are called G-terminal data, which is also known as the "gold in the data", representing the accuracy and importance of the data, as well as the specific mapping of individual actions at c-terminal and B-terminal.

Obviously, these Numbers don't mean you can get them. During which the biggest problem with the domestic part of the system is not wise, although there was a tilt in funding and policy, but the government department for an enterprise to take an examination of the school and the degree of control is still in a relatively strict data, so it caused the fire "wisdom city" concept, but in the past few years, the real ground scene is few and far between.

There is nothing wrong with this point. Considering from the G end, we should maintain absolute control over data distribution, while facing the phenomenon of flying pigs in the smart city in the past few years, it shows that it is difficult for the next players to become the best defense line for data security.

What is true or false? It can be understood that its main tone is correct in terms of the general trend, but for the moment, its underlying indicators are not yet formed.

Running fast, but running steady, this is exactly the most characteristic development route of a smart city.

02 TO G cake cutting "Posture" for business

How to cut the cake of smart city? No one has an exact answer.

But for sure, the cake is big enough. A simple set of data is that according to IDC forecast, the global smart city technology-related investment will reach 189.46 billion US dollars in 2023, and the Chinese market size will reach 38.92 billion US dollars.

If you have no idea about this number, a comparison is given that the market size of smart speakers is expected to be only 6 billion in 2023, and smart speakers are known as the most direct entrance to the smart home.

To get a sense of how big the market is, you can better understand the phenomenon of Internet giants trying to break into the hole.

However, this is also a threshold, the Roman Colosseum, as stated above, the enterprise should not only has the ability to can protect the data and endorsed, can also have good data, data is not a waste of the hand, an image of the metaphor is needed in the arena is solid professional knowledge, listen to the command of armed police soldiers, rather than the opposition boxing field war four warriors.

The pit was quickly filled. Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba, JINGdong, Ping An... You can feel the giant companies, have become the players in this battle.

But the postures vary from family to family.

To use the next analogy, if Huawei is seen as a budding army aiming to win the battlefield with its hardware strength, Then Tencent is like an artillery unit that knows how to attack cities and territories with its powerful product model. Ali can be regarded as the group army that leaves early, with the strongest strength and the greatest potential energy of the front battlefield. Jingdong and Ping 'an can be regarded as the flanking forces that raid and cut in with the technical route and then land in the scene of the smart city.

In today's battlefields, though, each advancing in a different way, it can be understood that each advancing steadily and in a distinct way, with occasional battles for the prize inevitable, each has a high ceiling.

This also corresponds to the existing pattern of smart cities, that is, although there are many giant players entering the city, their current strategy is still to follow the pattern of "from big to small", that is, to show their composite ability by creating benchmarked first-tier and second-tier cities and form strong endorsement for themselves.

In terms of the present, whether it is a safe, such as huawei, jingdong itself has TO enterprise B gene, or giant tencent transformation such as B, in the field of the TO G is the same starting point, based on the technology and industrial reserves and indifference, whether from the business side, or from the technical side TO form the sharp point, each giant although end position.

Obviously, when the dividends of the Internet's C-end are fading away, everyone has the same purpose of raising a knife TO cut a cake: TO show off their muscles while taking down TO G/B heights.

03 The Giant jigsaw puzzle

For smart cities, there is an image metaphor circulating in the market, that is, the construction of smart cities is more like a jigsaw puzzle, although each can not get the complete jigsaw drawings, but can occupy a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

Based on this background, various routes of a smart city are more equivalent to different branch lines, and few enterprises can have their own promotion in each route. For most enterprises, their positioning is more about the concentration of several plates.

The outside world has obvious perception of intelligent transportation, intelligent government, intelligent medical treatment, intelligent life... These directions can be interpreted as more equivalent to larger pieces of the puzzle, with the cake large enough and the cut points clear enough.

Take intelligent transportation as an example. After an enterprise has sufficient image recognition and AI capability, it can cooperate with relevant departments to build a practical solution based on the inherent data, such as the travel booking project jointly built by Ping An and Shenzhen.

At the same time, with the cooperation between Tencent and Guangdong, relying on their own technology and the openness of government data, the two sides have jointly created a benchmark case in the field of government affairs -- Digital Guangdong. In the medical field, intelligent medical model was fully applied in the construction of Vulcan Mountain and Raytheon Hospital. Ai-assisted diagnosis and treatment, remote consultation, remote ward, etc., all showed the upgrading demand of medical sector.

It can also be seen that the four parts of smart government, smart medical treatment, smart transportation and smart life are urban scenes that are more difficult to land and tested by technology. Once an enterprise makes achievements in these fields, it is undoubtedly the best example of its own urban construction ability.

To some extent, this is also the reason why enterprises in government, health care and other fields have piled up competition in recent years, and this has become the best background for enterprises to build momentum.

It is advisable to divide the construction of smart cities in stages. If the initial period in which Internet enterprises did not participate was the wild period of 1.0, then the current period in which enterprises rush to enter under the stimulus of policies can be regarded as the jigsaw period of 2.0, in which each takes what he needs and tries to reach the top.

The flow corresponds to change. Outside the progress of the jigsaw puzzle is also in the drive the enterprise internal structure adjustment, to be able to perceive is that both tencent and ali, or the giant companies such as huawei, jingdong, peace, wisdom, has become a separate business system, various elsewhere mode in roughly two, namely in the underlying technology for China, and then through the business side of touch the dalai lama for different scenarios and fall to the ground, to form different areas of the solution.

In the full swing of the jigsaw puzzle, speed, resources, strength together determine the body before and after, the battlefield of the achievement, and before there is not much correlation.

After 04 shots, all the winners?

One clear sign is that new infrastructure projects such as smart cities are becoming a hot topic, and these new trends together constitute the future of the Internet.

But the question is, after the gun is fired, are all the winners?

Not so. According to a report by Deloitte, China is home to 500 of the more than 1,000 smart cities being built around the world, or half of them.

Speed does not represent the quality, such as Korean pine island has now become a "smart city", wuhan 175 million yuan wisdom city housing project, even under the outbreak, many in the city of "wisdom city" label betray oneself, the outbreak "inspector" real gun in actual combat, if digital system leaking net, could not bear the "gatekeeper" role.

This may lead to a deeper question for the market: How do you build smart cities? What should the smart city of the future look like?

According to Thomas Frey, a noted futurist, smart cities will have 63 "new skills" in the future, each of which ends as a starting point for stress testing.

It can be understood that it is not wrong for enterprises to participate in the construction of smart cities quickly, but they should carry out pressure test on products. Only when they really deal with the pressure, can they build a strong enough "city brain".

Bristol is the leading smart city in the UK.

In recent years the city has launched a programme called Bristol Open. The project to build a new type of "urban operations center", through the construction of optical fiber network, arrangement of sensors throughout the city, in the heart of the city has established three covers the information high speed network, city life information including energy supply, air quality or traffic, true from the perspective of residents for the hypothesis that the entire intelligent infrastructure.

Although the development scene is different, from the current point of view, this is the shortcoming that China's smart cities should complement most -- people-oriented, technology-oriented.

Only by defining the starting point of products and businesses on people can the final form of products be called successful, which can be more perfectly embedded in the puzzle of smart cities and form a closed loop of man-product-man system.

All this echoes Shakespeare's century's question: How can cities be built when there is no one? Perhaps the path to a smart city will begin when cities and businesses realize both.
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